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As you’ve seen, there are a lot of people involved in catching and processing crabs to get them to distributors like the restaurants and stores that supply them to you.

Let’s return to the role of the consumer in the crab industry. As you watch this video clip, consider additional benefits for consumers to buy crabs from local distributors.

Concept Map

Add the benefits of buying local to your concept map. Use these guiding questions:

What is the value of buying local crabs for consumers?

How does buying local crabs support the industry?

Did You Know?

Maryland has a “True Blue” marketing campaign that promotes local restaurants that offer Maryland crabs. One part of the campaign is to attract Maryland crab lovers to these businesses. The other is to educate consumers and restaurant owners about the supply chain and the benefits of buying local crabs. The hope is that people will appreciate the hard work and skilled labor that it takes to go from bait to plate and continue supporting these businesses.