
Global Crisis and Acceleration (1900-1970)

Inside the USSR: Life in a Soviet Republic

This inquiry kit contains primary and secondary sources on the political, economical, and cultural effects of living in a Soviet Republic.

Thinking Questions

  • What are some of the countries that made up the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR)?
  • What was one important political, economical, or cultural change that occured in the Soviet republics under Russian influence?
  • What do you think was one positive and one negative effect of living in a Soviet republic?

Soviet Union administrative divisions, 1983.

colorful map of the Soviet Union
colorful map of the Soviet Union

This 1983 map shows all of the Soviet republics that made up the USSR. Notice how large the USSR was and think about how many cultures existed within it.

Life During Soviet Times

a man being interviewed while sitting on a couch
a man being interviewed while sitting on a couch

This video features a man from Badakhshan, in what is now Afghanistan. He speaks about his experience in a Soviet republic in his native language of Ishkashimi. Subtitles are available.

Kiev (vicinity), Ukraine, USSR (Union of Soviet Socialist Republics). General meeting to discuss harvesting on a collective farm

black and white photo of a large group of farmers
black and white photo of a large group of farmers

This photo from the 1930s shows a group of farmers meeting to discuss harvesting the crops. There were collective farms like this one throughout the USSR.


black type on white paper
black type on white paper

This declassified document from the US government discusses information about the Baltic republics of the USSR.

In Photos: What Was Life Really Like In The U.S.S.R.? (rferl.org)

screenshot of website with white text over a man feeding his baby
screenshot of website with white text over a man feeding his baby

This article contains quotes and photos from a Ukrainian engineer. He discusses his experience and important events during Ukraine's time as a Soviet Republic.


Maryland State Standards

  • 5. Students will examine specific ideas, beliefs, and themes; organize patterns and events; and analyze how individuals and societies have changed over time in Maryland, the United States, and around the world.

Common Core State Standards (CCSS)

CCR Anchor Standard #1 Read closely to determine what the text says explicitly and to make logical inferences from it; cite specific textual evidence when writing or speaking to support conclusions drawn from the text.

  • RH.9-10.1 Cite specific textual evidence to support analysis of primary and secondary sources, attending to such features as the date and origin of the information.
  • RH.11-12.1 Cite specific textual evidence to support analysis of primary and secondary sources, connecting insights gained from specific details to an understanding of the text as a whole.

CCR Anchor Standard #2 Determine central ideas or themes of a text and analyze their development; summarize the key supporting details and ideas.

  • RH.9-10.2 Determine the central ideas or information of a primary or secondary source; provide an accurate summary of how key events or ideas develop over the course of the text
  • RH.11-12.2 Determine the central ideas or information of a primary or secondary source; provide an accurate summary that makes clear the relationships among the key details and ideas.
  • D3.1.6-8. Gather relevant information from multiple sources while using the origin, authority, structure, context, and corroborative value of the sources to guide the selection.

College, Career, and Civic Life (C3) Standards

  • D2.His.11.9-12. Critique the usefulness of historical sources for a specific historical inquiry based on their maker, date, place of origin, intended audience, and purpose.
  • D2.His.4.9-12. Analyze complex and interacting factors that influenced the perspectives of people during different historical eras.
  • D2.His.16.9-12. Integrate evidence from multiple relevant historical sources and interpretations into a reasoned argument about the past.