Democracy: Political System of the People (1763-1783)

What were different groups fighting for in the American Revolution?


Topic 1: Where Is Everybody?

Many countries and Native American tribes were part of the American Revolution, but where were they?

colorful map of the East coast of North America

Topic 2: King George Covers His Ears and Closes His Eyes

This inquiry kit features Library of Congress sources focused on the protests that led to the American Revolution.

black hand-written text on blue paper

Topic 3: Slavery in the Colonies

This inquiry kit features Library of Congress sources and examines the role and impact of slavery in colonial America.

black and white drawing of a group of people standing outside of a building

Topic 4: Cartoons Tell the Story

This inquiry kit features Library of Congress sources and examines the role and impact of political cartoons during the American War of Independence.

color drawing of a zebra surrounded by six men with text bubbles

Topic 5: Come to My Party, If You Know What’s Good For You

This inquiry kit features Library of Congress sources relating to the major political parties in colonial America.

color drawing of a man covered in feathers being force-fed tea by a group of four men