mpt summer on

Summer On!

MPT invites you to day-camp from home this summer with cool crafts and activities from PBS KIDS.

These fun weekly themes will keep kids ages 2-8 laughing, crafting and learning.

all about animals

Your MPT camp counselor Krissy is going on an animal adventure this week. Come along!

art of summer

Join MPT camp counselor Krissy this week, and spark your creativity with these art and music activities.


Join MPT camp counselor Krissy this week, and investigate nature and science in your own backyard.


What’s on the menu this week? Krissy, your MPT camp counselor, has cooked up some delicious ideas!


This week, MPT camp counselor, Krissy, has some dino-myte activities to dig into!


Join MPT camp counselor Krissy for some out of this world fun!


This week, MPT camp counselor, Krissy, has some fun activities for you to enjoy with good friends and neighbors.

science at home

The results are in and science week is one of MPT camp counselor Krissy’s favorite weeks!

summer stories

MPT camp counselor Krissy has some fun ideas to capture your summer memories this year!

upcycle inventions

Krissy, your MPT camp counselor, knows how to invent summer fun. What can you invent this week?