Maryland Farm & Harvest Elementary School Lesson Starters

Take a tour around the state to visit Maryland farms with your students. Use the lesson starters to introduce elementary students to a new agricultural topic and get them ready to learn. Explore the daily work of farmers, from dealing with severe weather to protecting oyster farms and managing invasive species.

Select a topic below to find video clips, essential and guiding questions, learning extensions, and other student supports to use in your classroom.

Oysters are a key part in keeping the Bay healthy. They live in water and need it to survive. So then, why does too much rain hurt oyster farms if oysters already live in water?

> Go to Too Much Rain Hurts Oyster Farms

There are some parts of the world where plants grow in nutrient-poor soil. So how do these exotic plants get the nutrients they need to survive?

> Carnivorous Plants

Although the effects of hurricanes can be very severe, there are solutions that can reduce the impact of hurricanes and flooding.

> Go to Solutions to Hurricane Impacts

A new species has arrived at the Potomac River and the Bay, known as the Blue Catfish. Its population has multiplied and is now getting a bit out of control, causing problems for the Chesapeake Bay environment.

> Go to Blue Catfish - Invasive Species

Roses are unable to grow in the state of Maryland during the winter because of the cold weather and climate. So, how do gardens, farms, and stores in Maryland get the roses they need during Valentine’s Day?

> Go to Roses Only Grow in Certain Climates

Farmers and scientists have worked together to come up with solutions to help prevent pests from eating corn and other crops. If corn has a certain genetic trait it will keep pests away from them.

> Go to Genetically Modified Corn (GMO)

Learn more about the rockfish and explore the Chesapeake Bay food web to understand how the Chesapeake Bay marine life transfers matter from one fish to another.

> Go to Rockfish and Food Web

This learning resource is a production of Maryland Public Television/Thinkport, in partnership with the Maryland Agricultural Education Foundation.

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