Understanding Race and Bias

Confronting Bias: Ethics in the Classroom

The resources in this collection provide teachers with tools to incorporate ethics education in the classroom, promote understanding of differing viewpoints, and foster civil dialogue about bias.

The Talk | Race in America

THE TALK is a two-hour documentary about the increasingly necessary conversation taking place in homes and communities across the country between parents of color and their children, especially sons, about how to behave if they are ever stopped by the police.

Teaching Race and Ethnicity

These resources can help you facilitate discussions about race and guide students through lessons on white privilege, economic inequality, mass incarceration, the complexities of identity and more.

What is "Race"?

Learn about the invention of race as a social or historic concept versus a biological trait, and judge how well the concept applies to people today in this video from Finding Your Roots.

Who, Me? Biased?: Understanding Implicit Bias

In this interactive lesson, students learn what implicit bias is, how it influences your own thinking, the extent to which society (and they themselves) may discriminate against others, and how its impact can be minimized.

Teaching about Race, Racism and Police Violence

Explore these Teaching Tolerance resources to spur much-needed discussion around implicit bias and systemic racism, and empower students to enact changes that will create a more just society.