Slide 1

Unit Rate

Amanda and Shawn are entering a bake-off. Amanda can make a dozen cupcakes every 25 minutes. Shawn can make half a dozen cupcakes every 15 minutes. The first award in the bake-off competition goes to the baker who can complete 52 cupcakes.

Complete each table to show how long it takes each baker to complete the requirements for the first prize. Type your answers in the blanks.

Description of work area:

On the right of the screen are two two-column tables. The first two-column table represents Amanda’s cupcake rate. The left column is labeled “Time (min)” and has the numbers 0, 25, 50 and 75. Two answer blanks are left to fill in. The right column is labeled “Number of Cupcakes” and has six answer blanks. The table on the right represents Shawn’s cupcake rate. The left column is labeled “Time (min)” and has the numbers 0, 15, 30 and 45. Six answer blanks are left to fill in. The right column is labeled “Number of Cupcakes” and has ten answer blanks.

Correct Answers: For Amanda’s table: (in Time column) 100, 125; (in Number of Cupcake column) 0, 12, 24, 36, 48, 60. For Shawn’s table: (in Time column) 0, 15, 30, 45, 60, 75, 90, 105, 120, 135; (in Number of Cupcake column)  0, 6, 12, 18, 24, 30, 36, 42, 48, 54.


Slide 2

Graph the relationship between the diameter and the cake layer by dragging and dropping the points to the correct location on the coordinate grid.

Description of work area:
The work area is divided into three sections. On the left of the screen is a coordinate grid. The x-axis is labeled “Time (min)” and is numbered from 0 to 120, in increments of five. The y-axis is labeled “Number of Cupcakes” and is numbered from 0 to 70 in increments of five. The bottom right of the screen has a two-column table representing Amanda’s data. The left column is labeled “Time (min)” and has the numbers 0, 25, 50, 75 and 100. The right column is labeled “Number of cupcakes” and has the numbers 0, 12, 24, 36, 48. The top right of the screen has five points to be plotted on the coordinate grid.

Correct Answer: There is a coordinate grid. The x-axis is labeled “Time (min)” and is numbered from 0 to 120, in increments of five. The y-axis is labeled “Number of Cupcakes” and is numbered from 0 to 70 in increments of five. Five points are plotted at (0, 0), (25, 12), (50, 24), (75, 36) and (100, 48). A line is drawn through the points. The line has a positive slope and crosses through the origin.


Slide 3

Graph the relationship between the diameter and the cake layer by dragging and dropping the points to the correct location on the coordinate grid.

The work area is divided into three sections. On the left of the screen is a coordinate grid. The x-axis is labeled “Time (min)” and is numbered from 0 to 120, in increments of five. The y-axis is labeled “Number of Cupcakes” and is numbered from 0 to 70 in increments of five. The bottom right of the screen has a two-column table representing Shawn’s data. The left column is labeled “Time (min)” and has the numbers 0, 15, 30, 45, 60, 75, 90, 105, 120. The right column is labeled “Number of cupcakes” and has the numbers 0, 6, 12, 18, 24, 30, 36, 42, 48. The top right of the screen has five points to be plotted on the coordinate grid.

Correct Answer: There is a coordinate grid. The x-axis is labeled “Time (min)” and is numbered from 0 to 120, in increments of five. The y-axis is labeled “Number of Cupcakes” and is numbered from 0 to 70 in increments of five. Five points are plotted at (0, 0), (15, 6), (30, 12), (45, 18), (60, 24), (75, 30), (90, 36), (105, 42) and (120, 48). A line is drawn through the points. The line has a positive slope and crosses through the origin.


Slide 4

Description of graphs shown:
There is a coordinate grid on the left to display Amanda’s data. The x-axis is labeled “Time (min)” and is numbered from 0 to 120, in increments of five. The y-axis is labeled “Number of Cupcakes” and is numbered from 0 to 70 in increments of five. Five points are plotted at (0, 0), (25, 12), (50, 24), (75, 36) and (100, 48). A line is drawn through the points. The line has a positive slope and crosses through the origin.

There is a coordinate grid on the right to display Shawn’s data. The x-axis is labeled “Time (min)” and is numbered from 0 to 120, in increments of five. The y-axis is labeled “Number of Cupcakes” and is numbered from 0 to 70 in increments of five. Five points are plotted at (0, 0), (15, 6), (30, 12), (45, 18), (60, 24), (75, 30), (90, 36), (105, 42) and (120, 48). A line is drawn through the points. The line has a positive slope and crosses through the origin.

(text on slide) Identify the unit rate for each baker. Type your answers in the blanks. Express each answer as a decimal.

Correct answers: Amanda: 0.48; Shawn: 0.4



Slide 5

Amanda makes 12 cupcakes per 25 minutes, which is a unit rate of point four eight cupcakes per minute.
Shawn makes 6 cupcakes per 15 minutes, which is a unit rate of point 4 cupcakes per minute.


Who will win the first award?

Description of quiz area: Two answer choices are provided.

  1. Amanda
  2. Shawn

Correct Answer: A.


Slide 6

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