Slide 1 - Area Formulas

Area Formulas

Sculptors often use three-dimensional figures in their artwork. Some of these figures are pictured below. Match the figure with its base by dragging the base into the appropriate box.

Figures Description:
There are 3 rows. The first row contains the following figures:
sphere; cube; triangular pyramid; square pyramid; cylinder.

The second row contains a blank area that corresponds to the shape above it.

The third row contains the following bases, which are to be dragged into the blank area in the second row, which corresponds to the figures in the first row
triangular base; rectangular base; square base; circular base, no base

The correct answers are:
sphere - No base
cube - square base
triangular pyramid - triangular base
square pyramid - rectangular base
cylinder - circular base

Slide 2

Sculptors need to know the area of the base of their artwork. This helps them make sure their sculpture will fit into its intended viewing space. Drag and drop the formulas on the right into the appropriate boxes in the bottom row.

Image Description:
A table with three rows. The first row is labeled Three-Dimensionla Figure and shows a rectangular pyramid, a cylinder, a triangular pyramid, and a cube.
The second row of the table is labeld Base and shows a rectangle with length l and width w; a circle with radius r; a triangle with base b and height h; a square with side length s.

The third row is labeled Area Formula  and is blank.

To the right of the table is a list labeled Formulas. It shows Area equals pi times radius squared; Area equals one-half times the base times the height; Area equals length times width; Area equals side length squared.

The correct answers are:
Rectangular pyramid - Area equals length times width
Cylinder - Area equals pi times radius squared
Triangular pyramid - Area equals one-half times the base times the height
Cube - Area equals side length squared.


Slide 3

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